June 26, 2009 - 10:00am - 11:30am
Google's Washington, D.C. Office
1101 New York Ave., N.W., 2nd Floor
Washington, DC 20005
Developing a National Cybersecurity Strategy
Presented by
Center for a New American Security and Google D.C. Talks
Click here to RSVP
The international security environment is evolving rapidly. In today's digital world, a cyberattack on the United States' telecommunications, electrical grid, or banking system could pose as serious a threat to U.S. security as an attack carried out by conventional forces. Once concerned solely with "megatons," security experts are now buzzing over "megabytes" and "megabits."
In its Cyberspace Policy Review, the Obama administration outlined a series of recommendations to defend against cyberattacks, while pending legislation seeks to promote more secure computer networks. Meanwhile, the Department of Defense has created a new cybersecurity command, raising questions on how to balance cybersecurity with user privacy and access.
As part of the ongoing Google D.C. Talks series, and in partnership with the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), experts will offer perspectives on how the United States can implement a national cybersecurity strategy.
Participants and those who are unable to attend the conference are invited to submit questions in advance via Google Moderator.
Event Speakers:
Dr. Kristin Lord
Vice President and Director of Studies, Center for a New American Security
Harry Wingo
Policy Counsel, Google
Ellen Doneski
Chief of Staff, U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
Liesyl Franz
Vice President for Information Security and Global Public Policy, TechAmerica
Richard Hale
Chief Information Assurance Executive, Defense Information Systems Agency
Philip Reitinger
Deputy Undersecretary of National Protection & Programs Directorate, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
To RSVP for this event, click here.
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